Primary School of Vivlos, Naxos
The Primary School of Vivlos is located in a rural village of Naxos.
In this school are studying 56 students (40 Greek origins, 15 Albanian and 1 Pakistani) and operates five sections of teaching and a Day Department.
Nine teachers work in the School, between them one physical education teacher, one English language teacher and one French Language teacher.
THEOFANIS ALEXANDRIDIS KAI SIA EE Founded in 1985, Omega Technology is an experienced and well known IT provider company in Greece. The Company serves Greek public bodies, enterprises and other organizations with technology and services made possible by its 28 years of experience. Its solutions include e-learning, virtual reality applications, assisted living solutions, tailor-made applications for people with disabilities, as well as e-commerce applications, document and knowledge management systems. The company is also offering a broad range of management and services including consulting, research and development, digitization, annotation and preservation of content, hardware supply and technical support. The company’s research department is active in the R&D arena, in close cooperation with Academia and Research Institutes, running several R&D projects and market validation projects.
Nareg Gymnasium
The Nareg Armenian Schools (primary and secondary) in Cyprus are a state funded school with special status granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture to teach the national language and history (Armenian) parallel to the curriculum developed by the Ministry for primary schools and gymnasia. The school functions on three campuses, one in each of the towns: Nicosia, Limassol and Larnaca, as primary schools, while the Nicosia school extends its programme to the three classes of the gymnasium (12 - 16-year-old students). The number of students registered at Nareg Armenian Schools during the academic year 2017-2018 is 238. The total number of teachers is 47 (full and part time).
Cyprus certification Company
Cyprus certification Company The Cyprus Certification Company (CCC) is a Government-owned Certification Organization founded in 2001 and operating as a private company with the Government being its only shareholder. It is managed by a 7-member Board, which comprises of representatives from the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism as well as from organizations of the private sector such as the Cyprus Employers and Industrialist Federation, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Technical Chamber, the Academia and the Consumers Association. CCC operates in the field of certification of management systems, certification of training programs and training and exam centers, inspection of playgrounds and playground equipment, inspection of lifts, product certification, CE marking etc. CCC also operates a training center approved by the relevant government body (the Human Resource Development Authority - HRDA) and provides training in relevant to its services subjects, and also in specialized areas as those arise from the industry’s needs.
Colegio Las Chapas
Las Chapas School is a private college located in the city of Marbella (Málaga) in the southern of Spain. It has 670 students, from 2 years old until 18 years old. Las Chapas School belongs to Attendis Group, an educational institution, which counts with 21 schools in the regions of Andalucía and Extremadura. Its schools stand up for the leading role of the family in the education, the personalized assistance, the quest for the academic excellence and the transmission of the human and Christian values to its students, such as solidarity, hard-working, generosity, community service, search for the truth and freedom. Furthermore the multilingual system, the new technologies and the sports also occupy an important position. Nowadays, the Attendis schools count with 12,000 students and more than 700 professionals compose its faculty staff.
The Spanish Confederation of Education and Training Centers (CECE)
The Spanish Confederation of Education and Training Centers (CECE) is a non-profit employers´ and professional organization founded in 1977. It represents a wide educational sector in Spain from nursery school to university level. It has more than 5.000 Education and training centers among its members. CECE institutional roles are: the management of updating for educational agreements; the negotiation of the collective agreements for this sector; the representation of this sector in the collegiate boards with educational participation; institutional presence in the Spanish Employers Organization (CEOE) and in some international organizations in which it takes an active role as well as the relationship and contacts with Education Public Authorities. CECE is member of the international organizations: EFVET (European Forum for Technical and Vocational Education and Training), ESHA (European School Headmaster Association) and ECNAIS (European Council of National Associations of Independent Schools).
Zographeion High School
The inauguration of the school took place on 19th September 1893. The first nine students of the school graduated in 1899. The school, like all minority schools in Turkey, is a secular school. The years that followed its openings, the school developed to a particularly active school and always had more than 250 pupils. Especially before the Istanbul Pogrom in 1955 and the deportations of Greeks in 1964, the number pupils were above 350. During the first one hundred years following the establishment of Zographeion School around 10.000 students were enrolled in its primary, junior high school and high school education departments.
Comune di Pescara
The Municipality of Pescara (MoP) is the governing institution of an area that occupies a central position in a vast urbanized area (Pescara metropolitan area) and constitutes a developing factor for regional scale initiatives. The MoP carries out institutional activities including the promotion of cultural, social, economic and environmental values.
The European Policies Department (EUPDep.) is in charge of managing all the issues and projects concerning European Policies and Grants. From 2013 the EUPDep. has established the Europe Direct Center, part of the European network of information centres supporting the organization of various events (such as meetings, conferences, seminars) open to the local citizenship end having European relevance. From 2015 the EUDep. is accreditaded as Coordinating/Sending Organization within the European Voluntary Service – Erasmus+: Youth and is implementing a sending project. 2016-3-IT03-KA105-009633 “CreativeGarden”.